Thursday 15 February 2007

A Very Cheesy Valentine's Day

This being the year of the Grand Romantic Gesture, I decided that abandoning a lifetime of apathy and embracing a Grand Romantic Valentine's Day was in order, and I bullied my boyfriend into agreeing with me. In the spirit of schmaltz and Switzerland, we decided to eat melted cheese in the freezing cold of our balcony.

There's nothing much you need to know about our sappy fondueathon other than that Reto was not very helpful (he stirred the fondue at one point, but only so I could take a photo and make it look like he was contributing. He was helpful with moving furniture and plates etc, though), that it was ridiculously heavily Swiss-themed:

(apart from the melted cheese theme, note also the flag cup, which apparently was a present, the "Swiss fondue" pot, which was the cheapest in the shop, and the generous use of winter woolies), and that it was fantastic.



Anonymous said...

We have written on several occasions in recent times, but our 'bon mots' have failed to appear. One can only assume that MI6 is sabotaging these important diplomatic coded messages to foreign powers.

Well, I must say that one's cook -- Reto was it? -- could do with a smarter uniform. All of one's own staff are smartly turned out in salmon pink tunics with matching trousers (not 'pants').

One does admire the knitted woollens on the second chef -- the saucier we assume -- but feel it is not quite appropriate for the kitchen.

One may wish to request a reference to a solid outfitting firm here in the UK, one that has paid the requisite fee to wear our coat of arms.

Well, we must be going away again. Liquid luncheon with the PM don't you know.

Anonymous said...

And to think I had been concerned that somehow I was not entertaining enough to hold the attention of hmm the queen.

There are two possible explanations fpr the disappearance of your so-called 'bon mots'. The first is that the 'publish your comment' button was not pressed with sufficient conviction. If a small message saying "your comment has been saved and may or may not appear following judicious culling by the blog-owner" or something to that effect, does not appear at the top of the comment window after you have pressed 'publish your comment', then you have failed in the vital step of posting your comment (which would be actually posting it). Hopefully if this comment has not turned up, your comment is still written in the comment box thing and you can just keep on pressing 'publish your comment' until you come across a happy ending (or get fed up, whichever comes first). The second possible explanation is that I have a harsh and rigidly-adhered-to set of comment selection criteria, and possibly, hmm the queen, your pithy little stories and puns didn't quite make the cut.

I shall leave it to you to ascertain the truth. Or to imagine the truth, anyway. Maybe now would be an appropriate time for all of us to embrace a bit of introspection.

Anonymous said...

Fondue for two! O,
Evenings of cheese are such
Savoury moments.