Thursday 26 July 2007


Yesterday we went to see a friend who is staying in Rheinfelden, a tiny town at the very north of Switz, just over the river from Germany. I'm sure no one else would agree with me (and really, it does seem kind of a mean thing to say considering the lovely time we had having dinner and lounging on the rooftop terrace and so on) but the highlight of the trip was definitely this big metal dinosaur sitting in the middle of a roundabout in the entertainingly named town of Frick (hee hee), which we saw from the bus on the way to Rheinfelden. It was all very reminiscent of my childhood, when we used to see a big and garishly-coloured fake dinosaur (more of the papier mache variety than the all-weather metal type, but still) sitting in a field whenever we went to visit my aunty Pat.

Sadly we had no camera at the time, and a brief and half-hearted google search yields nothing useful either, so you'll have to wait (possibly forever) to see the Frickosaur.

UPDATE: Thanks to Nick (and, here he (the dinosaur, not Nick) is. Imagine him more lumpy and home-made looking, and a bizarre fluorescent type colour and you have aunty Pat's version.


Global Librarian said...

Is it this one?

Kim/moolric said...

Is this it?

Nick Jensen said...


Versucht die suche in deutsch. Vielleicht sind die Schweitz nicht sehr tourist-freundlich?


rswb said...

Well that's just great, isn't it? All you lot being more diligent and putting me to shame on my own website.
Sigh. I had thought of searching in german but it all seemed too arduous.
And speaking of the Swiss being insane, note this pic from the ones Nick found, ( of the dinosaur in Schwinghosen, aka traditional Swiss wrestlin' pants. Weirdos.

Anonymous said...

For some background on the "Frickosaur" check out this blog entry: