Friday 19 January 2007

Chez Nous

And for those of you who are interested, this is where we live:

As you may be able to tell, this is the living room and bedroom. There really isn't that much more to the flat (apart from a couch, which is only just out of the picture, a kitchen, which is in the same room, a toilet, which is in a different one, and an excellent walk-in wardrobe which is probably really a broom closet or something).

Arguably the best thing about the place is the view from the window:

or, if you're after something more picturesque,

and, if you're an early riser (not that the crack of dawn is actually early at this time of year)


Tina+Bastian said...

I'm happy to see that you followed our example! We will be loyal readers of your blog. Promised!

Anonymous said...

The Freudian undertones of your concerns about Reto's knife (sorry, bayonet) are perfectly understandable. For a short while, as a homphobic nervy adolescent I too carried a knife, until it was pointed out that someone who wanted to harm me was probably going to be better versed in the ins and outs of armed combat than me. And they'd have a legal defence. So I can only admire Reto for geting some training in its use, should that ever be required. Now, as so often happens in blog analysis (a field of psychiatry founded in the 1890s by the great Englishman Fred Bloggs, but more about him some other time), a relatively unrelated question arises -- why am I so generously contributing to your blog when I could have one of my own, hmmm?
Well, I have to be going now. Signed Her Majesty.

Anonymous said...

Goodness, what an honour that such a humble Waffle Board should be graced by the presence of such a noble personage. And how satisfying to find that Her Majesty should be so well informed with regards to psychiatry, psychology, legal matters and the harsh reality of hand to hand combat. One can only hope that She continues to bestow her wise thoughts upon us.

Anonymous said...

Robyn, I think your Chez Nous ramble is incomplete without the Google Earth coordinates for your flat.