Monday 22 December 2008

More Of The Same

Well, it's been more of the usual lately. A quick trip to France with my parents and sister to find the grave of my great grandfather who died near there during the first world war,a bit of enjoying people's insane christmas lights (these ones were opposite the hotel we stayed at in Rouen, and involved Santa in a hot air balloon, santa in his toy factory and santa with his reindeer, as well as an inexplicable dancing pelican), looking at space cabbages (I don't know what they actually are. They look sort of like cabbage-related items, but they're CRAZY, and everyone knows that CRAZY things probably come from space) and various other charming sights in Paris.
In other news, I read American Psycho while I was away, and it was the most horrible and disturbing thing I've ever read. Normally violence in books doesn't bother me so much, but this was so grisly and so graphic and so lacking in humanity ... aagh, don't read it.

1 comment:

Tawny said...

I know, it is hideous isn't it, and completely unnecessary to have in your head. I've blocked most of it out but still remember feeling quesy at the rat scene.

In other news, your travels sound so lovely. And how hilarious that you write of it as more of the same... yeah, it is just like trudging around Ashfield on a stuffy summer day...schme schme