Friday 1 May 2009

Well Someone Has To Do It.

Congratulations/commiserations to Reto, who rejoins the world of the living dead, I mean working dead, I mean fully employed (actually his new job is only 80%), today. On May Day, which is apparently unusual/appalling/ironic (or something). If only we had a public holiday today too (like Zurich does, and possibly other cantons too, but I can't be sure) then I wouldn't have been woken up at 6.30am. Although I might have been woken up at 7am anyway by the marching band that marched past making a racket for no good reason. Grr.

Zombie cat, with job


Global Librarian said...

I realize he likely had to start the job because it's May 1st. But it's still strange to me that someone would start a new job on a Friday.

And I think Mayday is a holiday in the German-speaking world. Which might help to explain all those Mayday Poles you see in towns and villages all over Germany, Austria und der Schweiz.

rswb said...

I agree, starting a job on a Friday is ludicrous.

I don't think it's really possible to make generalisations about where the 1st of May is a holiday, though. R is working in Berne (ie. german) and it's not a holiday there. I've always assumed that the french have a 1st of May holiday, but none of the frenchy cantons that I'm affiliated with (ie. Vaud and Fribourg) have a holiday either. Grr.

Literary Strumpet said...

Congratulations to Reto, who seems to have grown quite a lot of facial hair since last I saw him. But the psychedelic tie suits him well. Matches those spaced out eyes, dude.

rswb said...

He's so furry.

Steph said...

he sure is