Thursday 14 October 2010


I have serious problems remembering things that people have told me in french. Yesterday I caught the train to Geneva, and spent the whole trip (all hour and twenty minutes of it) sitting opposite a man with a one-year-old daughter. Babies being the conversation-makers that they are, we spent the whole time chatting, about babies, daily life, politics, the weather (when will all this stupid fog go away?), all the usual stuff. And really, by the end of it I could hardly remember anything he'd said. It happens every time a conversation goes for more than about 10 minutes. Which can be embarrassing.

In other news, the Tiniest Australian (citizenship, check; passport, on the way) has started eating solid food. It's messy. I have some sort of unexplored hatred of the idea of feeding her pureed food, so we're going with the idea of baby-led weaning, which means that she has spent the last few days sucking on chunks of bread, raspberries (which she seems to really enjoy, at least the bits that make it to her mouth and don't just get mushed into nothing by her inept baby hands), capsicum (ditto), pork, carrots and zucchini. And then wiping herself, me, Reto, all our furniture and everything she can get her hands on with a horrible mixture of pre-sucked food and slobber. What a cutie.

1 comment:

Tina+Bastian said...

I am (or probably was) big into mashed food. I loved trying combinations and preparing yummy purees(Bastian and I usually fought over who is allowed to "clean" the pan).
I'm now in the situation where my son eats everything. EVERYTHING. But all the vegetables only in the mashed form - not as a piece. Grrrrr!
I may go for some sort of baby-led weaning next time, at least for the veggies. Perhaps that will solve the problem... I will use you as an expert next year! :-)