Wednesday 26 December 2007

Christmas Review

Well, apart from this having been the Worst Christmas Ever for reasons I don't particuarly wish to go into here, it was actually quite an okay Christmas. We ate a bunch (apparently the Switzies choose meat wrapped in pastry at this time of year. My Switzies do, anyway), we drank a bunch, we sat around a bunch, we slept in a bunch. Reto and I got up strangely early one morning and went to church, which was strange*, and then today, a day late, it snowed.

It was all quite nice, but it seems to me that unless we are all sitting around and eating a lot of stone fruit (peaches and cherries, mmm) and peeling prawns and making about 18 types of salad and complaining about the heat, it's just not very Christmassy.

* I come from a non-churchgoing background and didn't know what to expect. Reto was explaining it all to me a bit before the service started, and at the very last second (just as the curtain went up or the dude came out or whatever it is that signifies the start of these things) he said to me "oh, and there might be some hand-shaking at some point". I goggled at him and whispered "hand shaking??", picturing some sort of wacky rural Swiss catholic-shaker crossover cult thing, but as it turned out all he meant was that I might have to shake hands with some people. Which was far less exciting and bloggable than it could have been.


MissS said...

Your idea of Christmas, not surprisingly, matches mine quite well. Where is the stone fruit, why aren't we going swimming or having a BBQ? Meat fondue (or Fat Fondue as I like to call it), which seems to be the traditional Christmas eve meal in Germany, just isn't the same.

rswb said...

Maybe we should introduce Christmas In July (incidentally, have you ever tried to explain that concept to people from here? They just don't get it. And then they giggle).

mischa said...

if it's any consolation, it was cold and grey and drizzly on christmas day in sydney, as you've no doubt already heard. we tried to get into the spirit of things by playing frisbee on the beach, but it was really too windy so the frisbee worked more like a boomerang.

rswb said...

Did you kill kangaroos and things with it?

mischa said...

only a couple of small children who had been building sandcastles.

mischa said...

only a couple of small children who had been building sandcastles.