Friday 28 December 2007

Far Out

Reto and I went on a sentimental trip down memory lane today (back to Aarau to return all our library books before we zip off to Aus) and while we were there we discovered that the library has turned into a spaceship! It has been being revamped since early November or so, and has just reopened with it's new spacey look. It's all whiteness and windows and wacky lighting (that leaves excellent patterns on the floor) and the seats are like puddles of mercury or something (red ones, but still. Maybe just puddles, actually) and the bookshelves are .. well, they're just bookshelves, but they're round and kinda spacey too. And there's a designated eating type room and I went in there and even though I didn't actually eat anything, if I had it would have been like EATING IN SPACE (minus the zero gravity floating stuff). It was super.


Nick Jensen said...

This is another one of those times where you need a mobile phone with a decent integrated camera. Not that my imagination is flawed or anything, but since I work a lot with (virtual) interior design and decoration, I would have loved pictures.

If you like spacey lounges, you should check out some of the complete interiors done by Verner Panton - my all-time favourite designer. They're absolutely gorgeous.

rswb said...

The space vibe in the library also increased a lot with the passing of time. The more I sat in the eating room the more I noticed its excellent spacey features. I'm not sure that photos would do it justice. That being said, a good camera phone does seem to be useful. Perhaps that's what I get for asking for a phone with "no features". Sigh.