Friday 24 August 2007

Bern Report

I had a really nice time in Bern with Olivia yesterday. I forced her to go and see the bears with me*, she forced me to go to Starbucks with her**, and basically everyone I spoke german to failed to understand me in some way (the worst being a waiter who misheard me and then made fun of me based on what he thought I said. Bastard).

It was lovely though. We wandered around and drank a bunch of coffee and complained about all the same things, and it was fun. I like people I know. Especially people who are all fish-out-of-watery over here.

* Olivia had seen them before and thought it was horrible, which it is, but I thought that the bears couldn't be sadder this time that they were when I saw them last time (which was in the dead of winter and it was all bleak and freezing and cold), and so I made her see them with me so I could have less grim memories. And my memories from this time are far less grim (the bear pit was all leafy and watery and one bear leapt playfully into the bear swimming pool in a cute belly flop type fashion reminiscent of Knut) but it was still kind of sad. Apparently the bears are soon moving from their grim bear pit to a far more cheerful sounding bear park, though, so that's nice.

** Starbucks, my god. I thought she was joking at first,but apparently not. The couches were nice though, and I feel like we got our (overpriced coffee) money's worth by staying there chatting for about 8 years.

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