Tuesday 27 November 2007

Pickles: Useful and Nutritious

Because we are on the brink of leaving our flat, and because this is Switzerland, land of hard, hard water and consequent calc deposits, this is what our bath tap currently looks like:

I mangled a container, Reto filled it with pickle-bottle vinegar* and then he sticky-taped it to the tap. Apparently that's what he always does when he finds himself needing to clean the calc off taps. Weird.

UPDATE: Our flat is more shiny than you could possibly believe. Thanks mainly to a no doubt heavily toxic cleaning product, the excellently named but poorly pronounced "Cillit Bang" (pronounced with a soft C, as in "sill-it"). And I have dishpan hands (aka scrubbing-the-bathroom-walls-because-of-the-stoopid-calc hands). Sigh.

* Incidentally, I love pickles. I never realised until I came to this country, but all year I have been eating them like a fiend. We bought a tiny jar to last us this final week in Aarau and already it's empty


Global Librarian said...

Didn't you hire professionals specially trained to clean for the move-out inspection?

Everyone I know says they are an absolute necessity because no mere mortal is capable of cleaning well enough to get their deposit back!

Nick Jensen said...

You know you can usually just unscrew the cap and filter of the faucet, and dump it in a glass of vinegar instead of the sticky-tape solution. And you should also do this for the shower head scatter thingy. Will give you nice and soft showers :)

rswb said...

Lordy, where were you people with your cleaning tips a few days ago (before we had already cleaned everything)?

This is the one time it is really, really great to be living in such a tiny flat.

Anonymous said...

What sort of pickles do you eat? Little pickled vegies, like pickled onions? Presumably not pickles like the stuff I have on ham sandwiches because that isn't in vinegar

rswb said...

Deonie just made me wonder if I know what I am talking about by asking me if I meant gerkhins when I said pickles. Having just looked at the wikipedia entry for pickles, all I can say with any authority is that I mean pickled cucumbers. Or essiggurken according to reto, if that makes it any clearer.

Tina+Bastian said...

There is a easy answer to the question why you never liked pickles... Here in Australia, all the pickled cucumbers or onions are in sugar water instead of vinegar. EEEEK!!!!!!!!!!
We have to drive half an hour to an European Warehouse to get proper Essiggurken.
I'm missing Migros... :-(

Nick Jensen said...

I'd buy any product that advertises like this:

