Saturday 24 November 2007


.. and of course, although I'm sure you're all already aware of it (and incidentally I even read about it in Heute (my favourite of those free public transport-affiliated newspapers) yesterday, and they even managed to get John Howard's name mostly right this time!) today is votin' day in Australia. And because we are so behind the times here (even with our crappy, crappy, crappy new bed I still didn't manage to get up early) it seems that it's practically all over bar the shouting, that John Harvard is out and that a brave new world of being kinda lefty has emerged. The only thing left to see is whether John Howard (aka Harvard) has lost his seat, and for those of you who don't understand the implications of that, it would be remarkable indeed.

Oh, and happy 200th post, me.


Anonymous said...

Finally that dumbass got voted off...

Now Australia can leave Iraq and sign the Kyoto Protocol.

rswb said...

Better late than never..

Anonymous said...

Yay, Howard lost his seat!

KRudd's victory speech was unbelievably dull, hopefully that is not a sign of things to come