Monday 14 April 2008

Relentlessly Happy

Funnily enough, I seem to be relentlessly happy at the moment. I think it's mainly because we finally have our own flat again (no more living with the in-laws! Hurrah! Not that there's anything wrong with them, it's just nice not to see them every day), and what a super flat it is (more about that later). It's also because, contrary to all expectations, I don't hate the french lessons that I have recently started, and because I have the relentless freedom of my shiny train ticket, and because I have rediscovered the joys of cooking (see also "not living with the in-laws any more". I like to cook what I like to eat, not what the hardcore meat-loving Swiss like to eat). It's raining/hailing/snowing relentlessly, which I always enjoy. I have a shiny new town to discover (which is actually not shiny or new at all) and I'm excited about inviting friends over to see our new flat. Things that could make my life a bit happier at the moment include owning a cat (which isn't going to happen) and having a couch (we ordered a replacement for the one that wouldn't fit through the front door, and hopefully it will turn up any second now). Oh, having the internet at home would also be a plus.


mischa said...

lovely to hear you're so very happy at the moment. funny how a room of one's own can be so important to one's sense of well-being. i feel like i finally have a proper home again, after a couple of years of wandering and temporariness, and by golly it feels good. may the happiness not relent!

rswb said...

actually, i'm getting a bit concerned now that I have been admitting to people how happy I am that it might all end. i may be jinxing myself. ditto about telling people that I don't hate my french classes. i feel like i am tempting fate.

in the meanwhile, though .. hurrah!

mischa said...

i know exactly what you mean. when people ask how things are going in melbourne, i always hesitate and then avoid the H-word, for fear that i might jinx myself. (and now it seems even thinking it is enough to jinx me cos i haven't had such an H week this week.)

rswb said...

and then there's the problem that even if you stay as happy as you were, it becomes normal and therefore you feel less happy. We can't win.