Friday 23 May 2008

Birthday Continued

We went out for my birthday dinner last night, and it was super. There was the aperitif in the garden (champagne with somethingorother. I'm not really sure, actually, but thumbs up anyway), and there was the super delicious salad with my entree (which was some sort of sheep cheese/mint thingie), and there was the really great duck cassoulet thingie, and the mystery meat item, the name of which neither Reto nor I were familiar with in either french or german (which is bad enough for me who just learnt food items last week, but obviously far worse for Reto who is allegedly an intelligent native german-speaker. And atrocious for both of us because we didn't recognise it when we ate it, but all meat is kinda the same in my opinion...), and then the rhubarb pie for dessert, and all the booze and coffee and and and. Better than that, though, was the cute little kitty cat that was asleep in a chair somewhere in the room,then woke up, wandered around the restaurant and kept jumping on the lap of someone at the next table who had apparently ordered the fish. Health and safety be damned!

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