Sunday 12 April 2009

Mystery. By My Standards, Anyway.

I've lost my pyjamas. It's mysterious. I was wearing them yesterday morning. I had a shower. I'm sure I would have picked up my jammies from the bathroom floor and chucked them on our bed after that, but ... they're mysteriously not there. Or anywhere. Our flat has a total of about 3 rooms, so there really aren't many places where they could be, so why can't I find them? Why? Why?

In related news, I also can't find my easter bunny, which Reto has hidden (in plain sight, apparently), which is VERY ANNOYING.


Literary Strumpet said...

Maybe your easter bunny ate your pyjamas. And now he can't face you due to the guilt. And a bad case of pyjama-induced indigestion.

BTW, have I told you your blog is fabulous? Read mine for more details.

(And don't you hate it when people post comments that are actually a ruse to get you to read their blogs? I mean, the cheek!)

Unknown said...

Or maybe Reto is wearing your pyjamas and you haven't noticed it yet...