Wednesday 16 May 2007

Breakfast Is At 1pm Sharp(ish)

Today is Reto's last day at work. Tomorrow we are officially an unemployed household (well, that's not true. Tomorrow is some sort of religious public holiday, and then Reto has a week or so of leave, which we are using to go on a trip to Berlin, but as of the 1st of June we are officially an unemployed household).

Somehow, this isn't how I dreamed the declining years of my 20s would be. Sigh.


Nick Jensen said...

We (thats me, my GF and some friends) were in Berlin for New Years. It was fab, but too short.

If you want a few recommendations...
- you should definetely go visit the Stasi Museum. (

And for a some really good eating out, try the wine department of Barist ( just below the Hackesher Markt trainstation. It's affordable and good - at least it was on NY.

- and don't forget the shopping.

Anonymous said...

Well, I didn't agree that much with your Eurovision summary (except about the Bjork-ish woman. She was good), but I don't know if that has any bearing on how our taste in food and historical memorabilia correlates. Hmm. I guess there's only one way to find out..

Nick Jensen said...

Fair enough.
However, if you've seen the movie "Das leben der anderen" which for the most part is about Stasi and the entire paranoia trip going on in DDR before the fall of the Berlin wall, you cannot miss out on the Stasi museum, which is in the actual Stasi buildings. You'll visit prominent offices belonging to people like Erik Honnecker among others, and don't get me started about the "spyware". I'ts straight out of the hands of Q in a Bond movie.

Have a nice trip, whatever you decide for :)

Anonymous said...

I was actually just having a look at the stasi museum website, and it looks really interesting. Thanks for the advice!