Tuesday 1 May 2007

Evil Heather's Prescient Post

A rough and heavily abridged guide to what I did yesterday:

I read my friend Evil Heather's blog. Please note that for you to fully appreciate the relevance of this, you might have to go and read it too. Note particularly the reference to not putting parts of yourself in the water in your toilet bowl.

Later, I decided to go to bed. I brushed my teeth. As I was closing the bathroom cupboard, I bumped a container of moisturiser. It fell out of the cupboard. It fell into the sink, which is a really smooth bowl sort of shape. My moisturiser followed the smooth bowl shape of the sink and went flying out of the sink on the other side. When my moisturiser ran out of sink, it did as gravity told it to and fell again. Into the toilet. I had to fish it out. Fortunately the toilet had recently been flushed, but still.

To think that just hours earlier I had been silently agreeing with Evil Heather about the unlikeliness of having to be told to avoid contact with the contents of the toilet. Sigh.


Heather Hukins said...

Oh Robyn, I'm so sorry to have jinxed your toilet with my blog! Having recently had and opportunity to contemplate the concept of putting a hand in the toilet bowl, I offer my most profound sympathies.

The real question, of course, is what you did with the moisturiser after that. Did you rinse off the container and slap some of the contents on your face with bravado? Or did you sacrifice the moisturiser to the Gods of "ew gross!"?

As a side note, when publishing references to me in the blogosphere as "evil Heather" you could, possibly, just a suggestion, explain why you call me evil Heather. I like to think it is not because I am actually evil, even if I do seem to have magical powers over your moisturiser.

Anonymous said...

Well. I was wondering what I should do with the post-toilet moisturiser, and then I thought of the 5 second rule for food on the floor (as in, it's perfectly acceptable to pick up food you dropped on the floor and then to eat it as long as it was on the floor for less than 5 seconds) and I thought it probably works for bathroom products as well. By which I am not trying to imply that I ate the moisturiser, but I did use it again. Which may make some of you think I am scum, but as Brendan might say, was auch immer.

As for the evil stuff.... well, I thought about explaining it, but doesn't it seem more interesting this way? Don't mess with Evil Heather, people, or she might make all your belongings fall in the toilet!