Tuesday 4 September 2007

Blatant Un-Swissiness

The non-Swissiest place in all of Switzerland (for I have searched far and wide, people. You'll just have to take my word for it) is the local secondhand bookshop in Aarau. They have signs up saying how much things cost, but these signs are not to be believed. They just make things up as they feel like it. Recently when I was there I bought 2 paperbacks for something like 5 francs in total. Then yesterday I went again and I bought 4 paperbacks and a hardcover (which, according to the sign, should cost about 1 franc more than a paperback) and it came to a grand total of 6 francs. These people are reckless!

1 comment:

Jul said...

Wow, those bargains really are un-Swiss! You can't buy anything for less than a franc in this country...