Thursday 7 February 2008


Yesterday I had a tetanus injection and today my arm is really sore! I remember last time I had one (a loooooong time ago, after I trod on the world's biggest splinter (really, it was so big it was practically a branch and it stabbed right into the flesh between my big toe and my next toe. It really went a long way in. It was horrible)) the injection itself was really quite painful and I was fine afterwards. This time is the opposite. The injection was a doddle, but then last night in bed every time I rolled onto my left arm I would wake up because it hurt so much! This morning it feels like my whole upper arm is bruised, but of course it looks absolutely normal, which is no help at all when it comes to gathering sympathy. Sigh.

Hopefully I'll step on a rusty nail or something soon to make it all worthwhile.

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