Sunday 6 January 2008

Grammar Poll!

Is "caucus" a verb? I would be inclined to say no, but consulting with assorted dictionaries around the place does sadly not back me up 100%. About 2 weeks ago I read a quote from someone in an English newspaper saying "I don't even know who I'm going to caucus for yet" (about the US presidential nominees) and I thought that was odd. Then yesterday I read in another paper (Australian) a similar use of the word and I still thought it was odd.

Whaddayathink? Have you ever used it as a verb? Or would you?


mischa said...

no, i have never heard or read caucus used as a verb and i think it's stupid. i hate this bureaucratic move towards verbalising nouns. i flatly refuse to "progress" this or "action" that. there are perfectly adequate verbs available. i make an acception for "access".

ps. i've just signed up to facebook and i've noticed that there are a lot of "groups" that one can join that revolve around assaulting people who use bad grammar etc. while i do not condone the use of violence against the illiterate, i wonder where all these fellow pedants have been all my life.

rswb said...

Yeah, there's nothing worse than a boring worky meeting full of boring officey jargon about actioning things. Happily as a perma-unemployed person it's not something I worry too much about these days. And yet I still find it annoying.

And you know who else is annoying? All the pedants (who I think have been lurking on the Letters pages of newspapers all this time). Much as I may agree with them about the use of words like "medalling" and the mispronunciation of "ceremony" (actually, I don't care so much about that. I also don't care about people who pronounce "harrass" so that it rhymes with "crevasse"), I don't know that I actually want to talk about it or hear other people be whiny. Although that being said, I have rather enjoyed writing this comment. Hmm.