Wednesday 4 July 2007

Hello Public Transport

I just got my proper full drivers license yesterday. What I should have done was get it in the mid 90s when I was young and vibrant and lived in a small town with no traffic, with my parents conveniently located right there (handy when I am getting them to teach me to drive), and when there was almost nothing that had to be done to get your license (do a test on the road rules, learn to drive, do a driving test in a small, slow country town and off you go). Instead what I did was occasionally feel enthusiastic enough to get my Learners license (which I eventually had about 4 times over the years), almost never feel enthusiastic enough to attempt any actual driving, move to a city with public transport galore (sort of, anyway), employ others as my chauffeurs, and then finally take the whole driving thing seriously at some point in my late-ish 20s when getting your license involved doing 4 separate tests over a space of 4 years, doing many hours of compulsory driving practice, paying a motza in fees here and there and being trammelled by excessively strict rules that were all designed to not let teenage boys kill their friends.

Now that I am officially a properly licensed driver, I fully intend to not drive as much as I can. I have noticed myself always veering to the right to avoid people when I walk on the footpath. I don't want to replicate that on the roads.

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