Wednesday 4 July 2007

Hot Or Not?

I'm conducting a poll for a friend. Is Johnny Depp hot or not*?

* which reminds me of this awful TV show that is on now and then in Switzy where a mean panel of judges harshly judges semi-clad teenagers with regard to whether they are hot or not, and the winners get to stand on a dais briefly.


Global Librarian said...

Used to be hot. Now I just look at him and wonder why he doesn't shower more...

Nick Jensen said...

Periodically skanky or not, he's still hot.

Heather Hukins said...

I still think he's hot. I go through phases of writing him off as a tosser and then suddenly he'll say something kind of interesting. The most recent example: An interviewer asked Johnny what he hoped God would say to him when he arrived in heaven. Johnny said: "Wow." Cool answer.